Wednesday, October 14, 2009

for sale coconut farm


land area = 19,797 square meters
Location = Asuncion Kwatro-kwatro Barrio of Carmen province of Davao del Norte.

coconut farm with good quality of coconut trees and undercropped with lakatan bananas.

accessible to any vehicle and well irrigated area.

price 1.9m

for interested buyers contact: jigs - 09081538264
YM -

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery.

Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery ( 3800 power )
Power Type: Arcane
Power Bonus: 12%
Attraction Bonus: n/a
Luck: 18
Cheese Effect: Insanely Stale

This highly unstable trap setup is held in a constant state of metamorphosis by the unpredictable power of the Onyx stone. This trap almost appears alive, growing metal roots into whatever base to which it is attached.

This trap's methods of capture are infinitely random. It can use its jagged metallic roots to impale mice, expel a thick and dark vapor that turns mice into stone, or bend space and time to erase the mouse from existence.

Scientists of Digby warn hunters that the power of the Onyx stone is incredibly dangerous and fear that using this trap could lead to the end of the world.

The Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery, being an Arcane type weapon, is known to be very effective against Forgotten type mice while being of normal effectiveness against Physical and Shadow type mice. It also performs less effectively against all other Power Types.

engredients used to craft this weapon:

Description Qty Cost
Mysterious Blueprints

1 632,700
Obelisk Parts

1 316,350 / Crafting
Onyx Stone

1 Loot
Magic Essence

3 Crafting
Scrap Metal

12 Loot
Total 949,050+

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mouse Hunt Kingdom

MouseHunt is a Facebook game of epic proportions. You are a hunter, hired by the king to find and trap the mice that infest his kingdom. For each mouse you catch, you'll find a unique reward, bringing you closer to being the best MouseHunter in the land!

Runic Cheese

Imbued with the darkness that consumes the Catacombs, this magical cheese strikes fear into the hearts of even the most powerful breeds of mice. Runic cheese appears faded, as if only barely laying within this plane of existence.

Crafting Ingredients:

Magic Essence ( x1 ) - This substance is what gives SUPER|brie+ its magical properties. It can be used in a variety of recipes for unique results.

Rune (1) - These magical stones originate from another plane of existence. Little is known about who or what may have brought them into this world

Ionized Salt ( x1 ) - Imported from the Salt Mines, this salt has a high mineral content and is extremely conductive. Little is known about what possible uses this salt could have. Working with this salt carries a high risk of electrocution, extreme dehydration, and destruction on a universal scale. Handle with extreme care!

Stale Cheese ( x1 ) - Dried up morsels of cheese are often the result of traps made with harmful chemicals.

Acolyte Realm - Spectre Mouse

Spectre Mouse

Far more powerful than ghost mice, these ancient mice hail from another plane of existence. Their loud screeches and stale, sock-like scent strike fear into both mouse and man!

Acolyte Realm - Gate Guardian Mouse

Gate Guardian Mouse

This worthy foe is trained at birth by the Acolytes to guard the passage between worlds. Their rules are simple and few: grant passage for mice to travel the portal, and smash and destroy anything else!??But even the most loyal of guards get hungry...

Acolyte Realm - Gorgon Mouse

Gorgon Mouse

Even the most skillful hunter must be very weary of the extremely dangerous Gorgon mouse. A quick gaze into the eyes of this creature will instantly petrify any hunter. Most MouseHunters suggest some form of protective eyewear such as bucket over the head or glasses made with thick wood lenses. Sure, you won't be able to see, but at least you won't end up as a permanent lawn ornament!

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this blog contains the most recent information about the mouse hunt application of FaceBook.

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